Starting up a brand new company takes not just guts and brains, but also reliable manufacturers producing reliable, high-quality products. After all, you want to feel good putting your brand’s stamp on the things you create. No matter how much you think you need to cut costs, you can’t afford to work with a manufacturer that skimps on the quality of their material in order to give you a lower price. Startups need to start with quality and earn their place in the market if they’re to stand a chance. Here are five reasons you need reliable manufacturing from the get-go.
1. There’s Less Risk
When you put a reliability program in place at your company to ensure your products and the equipment you use are all up to safety protocols, you minimize risk in your company. Legal suits and other costs related to making mistakes with your products really add up and affect your bottom line. Preventing them from happening not only reduces the risk of loss, but also helps protect your brand against negative press that damages its reputation.
2. Productivity Is Higher
Productivity increases when your manufacturing system runs like a well-oiled machine because equipment maintenance requirements are minimal and repairs are infrequent. Having a reliability program helps keep productivity high among employees by keeping their tools at their fingertips and preventing disappointment or inconvenience.
3. Costs Are Saved
When your manufacturing system is reliable and requires minimal maintenance, you save a lot on maintenance, repair and replacement fees. You also reduce downtime, which taxes your productivity. Better manufacturing also results in fewer recalls, because your products are put together accurately and with quality materials. This saves the company the losses incurred from product recalls that happen after quality assurance checks. In manufacturing, finding a quality seal proven not to leak is a must because you avoid the cost of losing a customer’s business when a seal leaks.
4. Manufacturing Certifications Appeal to Customers
When you work with a manufacturer that is certified by a well-known organization like the FDA or CGMP, which are third parties that measure manufacturing conditions and processes against their quality standards. When you can show that your product comes from a manufacturer that is third-party certified, they know they’re getting something that’s been made with oversight and tested without bias for quality assurance.
5. A Focus on Safety Protects the Company’s Future
Focusing on safety with advanced protocols and procedures for preventing and handling safety issues helps protect the future of a company when it’s in its startup phase. If you have a safety issue that gets out into the press early on in your growth, it could negatively taint your brand and your entire business for years to come. A safety program, coupled with your reliability program that focuses on sound, safe equipment can help prevent catastrophes that setback your business.
Getting Quality, Reliable Equipment or Products Manufactured
Unreliable manufacturing equipment and manufacturers producing unreliable materials and products challenge businesses in today’s competitive marketplace. Reliable manufacturing is essential now more than ever, in a world where most manufacturers are trying to cut corners. Customers are looking to pay what it takes to get top-of-the-line quality from real materials that haven’t been compromised for cost.