Saving money is not always easy. In fact, you may think you don’t have the self-control, motivation, or income to be able to save up as much money as you would like to. However, this isn’t true! Anyone can save money easily with a few tips and tricks. Here are 3 small and simple ways to save money that will really add up quickly.
Only Drive Places You Need To
Driving only to places that you need to drive such as work, the grocery store, or dropping off and picking up your kids from school is one of the easiest ways to save money. With gas prices being so high, you will save much more than you think by driving a little bit less and it won’t even make a big difference in your life.
You may also choose to drive a vehicle that has better gas mileage such as a motorcycle. Now might be the time you replace your Yamaha parts and dust off your bike so that you can save money and have fun while doing it.
Make Coffee At Home
Many people stop for coffee or a snack every day when they leave their house in the morning, but this is a habit that can really add up quickly. Spending $5-$10 a day on something like can easily become $150-$300 a month! Invest in an inexpensive coffee pot and start making coffee (and/or breakfast) at home and you will soon realize that not only is this a good way to save money but it is also a nice little ritual to have before starting each day.
Get A Library Card
If you are a big reader and not a fan of audiobooks, you know just how expensive books can be. Every time a new book comes out that you want to read, if you go to your local bookstore to purchase it, that will be another $20-$30 out of your pocket.
Instead, be willing to wait a couple months after the book comes out and get a library card so that you can check it out from your local library instead. Libraries are amazing resources and if they don’t have a book you are looking for, you can even ask for them to special order it for you!
Saving money can be easier than you think if you are willing to give up some of your smallest pleasures or get them in different and less expensive ways. Over a few short months or even years, you will look back and realize how much money you’ve saved and you’ll be super proud of yourself.