As an entrepreneur, it can be hard to sometimes just completely detach from work and enjoy life a little. Everyone is plugged in all the time, but sometimes balance between work and travel is huge. It helps recharge the batteries and keep motivation at an all-time high. The question is, how can that be accomplished? Here are four tips on balancing work and travel.
Make Some Trips for Fun and Relaxation Only
A lot of entrepreneurs can work from anywhere in the world thanks to the internet, but that is not always a positive. It is important to sometimes just completely go off the grid to avoid burn out. It doesn’t have to be every single trip or even every day of the trip, but find the time to avoid the work phone, keep the laptop closed, and relax.
Some people are so obsessed with checking their phones that the best way to unplug is to just leave it at home. That might not always be possible, but at the least, turn it on Do Not Disturb mode and limit the use to absolutely emergencies.
Avoid Text and Video chats while Traveling
If staying plugged in, at least some, is a must, avoid text and video chats if possible. Facetime, iMessage, WhatsApp, Skype, and even Slack all subconsciously force people to respond instantly. Before traveling, try to only engage through email, that way if people respond, they will respond back through email.
I don’t like putting out of offices on because it may seem like I am not working, when in fact I am. Many of my trips are for business purposes, so I don’t want to give the impression to clients that I am play and no work, when that is not the case.
Wake Up Early and Seize the Day
Even though you may want to sleep in on vacation or just while traveling in general, it may not be the smartest idea as far managing your time. You can accomplish a lot in the mornings while traveling. This is a great time to tackle the days’ tasks in an undisturbed environment. You would be amazed how much you can accomplish before 9 am if you wake up even a few hours earlier. This gives you the rest of the day to explore the area or spend time with colleagues, family, and/or friends.
Be Creative with Small Work Breaks Throughout the Day
Take advantage of down time while traveling to catch up on work. Some examples of downtime may include time at the airport and time spent in flight. Instead of watching a movie that you can watch at home or wasting time in airport shops and bars, why not knock out some work. You can perhaps even work ahead, so you aren’t forced to work when you would rather be relaxing.
Another option is catching up emails and work calls while in an Uber or Lyft. You can also catch up on calls with clients while driving. Take advantage of these downtimes as much as possible.
Connect With Arshad Madhani
Arshad has over a decade of experience balancing work and travel. With a focus in digital marketing and consulting, Madhani has worked with a number of companies to help them reach their goals across the globe. You can get more entrepreneurial tips and advice by following him on Facebook, Twitter, or on his website,