There are over 1.5 billion websites on the internet today, proving that the world wide web is here to stay.
If you want a piece of that action, then the first thing you need to do is decide which website type you’re going to set up. With so many types of websites, it may be hard to choose.
Keep reading as we go over the top 10 most popular categories of websites so you can start your search for the perfect one for you.
1. Business Website
A business website is designed to help businesses bring in customers and clients to purchase their products and services. These could be for brick and mortar businesses or strictly online companies.
2. Personal Website
You can do whatever you want with a personal website since it’s all about you. You can share your thoughts on the world, post poetry about your cat, or anything else that you want to do.
3. eCommerce Website
If you want to sell products online, then an eCommerce website might be right for you. You can sell your own products or jump into this type of business by doing affiliate marketing or dropshipping.
4. Portfolio Website
Are you trying to get into writing, art, or website design? If so, you’ll want a portfolio website where you can show off your skills and hopefully get some clients.
5. Educational Website
Whether it’s for a university or a place where you can take online courses about various subjects, an educational website is for those who value lifelong learning.
6. Entertainment Website
There are a number of entertainment websites today, but there’s always room for more. This website could offer interesting articles, images, or games to keep people entertained.
7. Media Website
A media website will help you or your readers stay informed about what’s going on in the world. It offers informative articles and could cover a specific topic like technology or political news.
8. Social Media Platform
The goal of social media platforms is to connect people and allow them to share information, images, and videos with others. Because of how often people go back to visit them, these are some of the most popular types of websites today.
9. Community Forum Website
Another type of website that helps people connect online is a community forum. In these websites, people can post questions or anything they want and others can answer that question or comment.
10. Web Portal
If you want to build a website where users can log in to get personalized information or access to special content, you’ll want a web portal. These are also used by businesses for internal purposes.
Learn How to Use These Types of Websites
Now you know 10 of the most popular types of websites today. As you can see, there’s sure to be one for you whether you want to use it for yourself or find a way to monetize it.
To learn how to make money online through any of these website types, keep reading our blog. It’s packed with posts that will help you pick the right type of website to use and help you turn it into a successful online business.