Usually, when you’re cooking dinner, how long do you take to find that one skillet? A cluttered kitchen would waste a lot of your time. Despite having tens of pots and platters, you may still not be able to find the right one when you need it. Pretty frustrating. Right?
And how about you find these needed items in a matter of seconds with more efficiency and less frustration? Isn’t this the icing on the cake? Of course, it is.
This is where Lean Six Sigma marks the entry. Let’s know what it is.
Lean Six Sigma is a renowned process improvement tool that systematically removes waste and reduces variation. It is the combination of lean manufacturing and six sigma that helps in eliminating eight types of waste. The types are – waiting, defects, non-utilized talent, overproduction, inventory, extra-processing, motion, and transportation. All in all, it aims to accelerate efficiency and growth without compromising quality.
You would not want to stay in the backseat by not reaping the benefits of this certification both at the personal and organizational level. Hence, read the reasons here and begin your journey with greater zeal.
First things first, let’s get started with the reasons to get six sigma certification at the personal level.
Career growth – The foremost benefit of acquiring lean six sigma certification is the potential career growth. There are six certification levels of it, namely White Belt, Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Brown Belt, Black Belt, and Master Black Belt. You can earn these certifications from an online lean academy also and get ahead in your skill-set. It teaches you the bundle of tools that companies use to enhance their production process and eliminate defects.
Helps in gaining new perspectives – Yes, you heard that right. This certification not only helps in the career but also helps in gaining new perspectives. It loads you up with creative techniques and approaches to addressing real-life issues. Let’s look at some of the situations where it helps –
- It maximizes and normalizes the sleep cycle without compromising the productive time.
- Strengthen your personal relationships and make you stress-free.
- Enhance your competencies and leadership qualities.
Improve data-analytical skills – There is no denying the fact that data analytics automate everything ranging from manufacturing processes to handle government paperwork. As data analytics is gaining prominence, it becomes all the more important for industry leaders to be well-versed with the approach of handling data with confidence. Six sigma makes you gain a new perspective to evaluate and analyze data for inconsistencies. Ultimately, you will face ease at handling the data.
Wide acceptance – Have you ever come across certain certifications that are limited to only 1-2 industries? If yes, then you don’t need to worry about this again. Because lean six sigma is widely accepted across many industries. For instance – you can apply it in the sectors like healthcare, finance, manufacturing, technology, and the options are endless. Additionally, it is the globally accepted certifications. Therefore, bring a positive change in your life with this.
Till now, we have talked about the benefits of this certification at a personal level. But do you know that you can reap its benefits at the organizational level also? Think we are exaggerating? Read ahead and fetch yourself with all the answers.
Cost-effective methodology – Every organization wants to be cost-effective in terms of its operations. And that is where six sigma provides you the benefit. It is the cost-effective methodology that provides ease when talking about improving the operational performance of the companies. It focuses on waste reduction and makes the process as efficient as possible.
So, what are the costs that are eliminated through lean? Here are some examples – lost sale figures, warranty restores and replacement, returns, and allowances, and there are many more.
Eliminate errors – Every business works on the principle of – more risk, more return. So, if you don’t take any risks, you will not be ahead of your time. And six sigma will teach you the ways to implement risk management strategies seamlessly.
In other words, it imparts an important lesson to you that is how to handle the crisis more effectively. How? If you are able to identify the risks and know how to tackle them, you will easily beat your competitors. This reduces the chances of error. Hence, what more do you want?
Bottom line improvement – Honestly speaking, there is no dearth of improvement methodologies across the globe, but lean six sigma has special powers. It pays central attention to the bottom line. Now, managers can use this data tangibly and check how this process will aid the company. Let us clear this to you through an example.
Suppose your company produces a certain product, and you want to measure how many times people are throwing away this product. You can measure that through six sigma and then improve the quality of that product. Hence, you become more productive in analyzing the baseline, making improvements, thereby driving change.
Retain more customers – You must have heard that saying, “Customer is king.” And businesses get successful only when they get customers plus retain the ones they already have. Customer loyalty and retention lead to customer satisfaction. The customers who move towards any other product or alternative often do so because of their dissatisfaction with the current item. And you don’t want that, right?
Implementing the principles of six sigma reduces the chances of customer dissatisfaction through evaluation of the data. It makes you know which attributes the customers are following and what is their perception of satisfaction. Isn’t it a great way to retain your consumers?
To sum it all up
If you are looking for career growth, want to simplify your daily chores, or want to adopt a cost-effective methodology in your organization, lean six sigma is the answer. And with all these benefits out there, who would like to steer clear of this certification? So, grab the opportunity, expand your skill-set and make your daily life easier.