Top Tips for Obtaining Email Leads
Take advantage of email marketing for your home repair business and check out these must-know tips for successfully obtaining and utilizing email leads!
In 2017 there were around 233 million email users in the US alone. That’s an enormous potential market for you to tap into.
Imagine if you could contact 1% of those people. And then imagine that you managed to convert just 1% of them. That would be 23,300 customers for your home repair business. That’s enough for one customer a day for the next 63 years and change.
Sadly you can’t reach any of these people unless you have the email addresses to target. But the good news is that there are plenty of ways of obtaining email leads without having to pay for them.
So read on as we look at 4 handy tips for generating great email leads.
Build an Email Harvesting Page
A great way to convince potential customers to hand over their emails is to build an email harvesting page.
The basic idea is to make a page that your prospective clients will want to read. So for example, some tips and tricks relating to home repairs would probably whet their appetites. Then you offer additional tips and tricks for people who sign up with their email.
It’s a win-win. You get an email lead, and they get some great home repair tips.
Get Them to Email You
It may sound crazy, but if you give people the option many of them will happily give you their email.
By making it clear on your website that visitors are welcome to email you, you give yourself a chance of gaining a lot of email leads. To avoid being overwhelmed, it’s good practice to give a proviso that you will read every email you receive, even if you can’t reply to them all.
Use a Pop-Up Incentive
This idea is similar to the email harvesting page idea but is one that you can use across your whole website.
Add a pop-up to the page offering additional content, such as an in-depth guide to a specific home repair for people that sign up. You can set this pop-up to appear across your website so that you’re not relying on people visiting your harvesting page.
You need to make sure the content you are offering is tempting enough to get people to sign up.
Make It Easy to Sign Up
It may sound simple, but it surprising how many websites have their sign-up page hidden away in some dark corner.
Keeping your sign-up form easily accessible is key. This home page for Southeastern Foundation and Crawl Space Repair is a perfect example. The sign-up page is front and center on the homepage. You literally cannot miss it.
People might sign up on a whim, which they’re not going to do if the sign-up form is hidden away on an obscure page.
Now It’s Time to Convert Those Email Leads
Once you’ve generated some strong email leads, the next trick is to convert them. But that’s a whole new blog in itself.
For more great tips and tricks for business owners and entrepreneurs, check out our blog. We also have some great articles on motivation and personal growth which are useful both in business and life in general.
If you have any questions or comments about the site at all then please do not hesitate to get in touch.