If you are in the market for a job you may have had a friend or family member recommend working with a staffing agency. That was a great recommendation by them! Perhaps you have never worked with a staffing agency before and are unsure of what to expect and what is required. That is why we are here to explain to you how to work with one and tips for working with a MA staffing agency. Keep reading to find out more.
The first tip is picking the staffing agency. You want to ensure you are choosing a reputable staffing agency that is in your area. You can set up an interview through the phone or in person so that they can better understand you and your background. They can even coach you through the hiring process. If you are working with a good staffing agency they will not charge for their services, only the employers do.
The next tip we have is to ask questions. Remember, there is no question that is ever dumb or too much. It’s important that you not only feel comfortable but that you understand the process. The staffing agency wants you to succeed.
It’s important that you take the interview with the staffing agency seriously. Although they are not the official company you are applying for, it’s important that you treat it just like another good interview. Wear appropriate clothes and try and make the best impression possible.
The next time is to be honest. Be honest with the recruiter about your experience and your life. This will allow them to figure out a good job for you that you are best suited for. Working with the recruiter will give you a chance to explain yourself. For example, if you have a gap in employment you can explain you went traveling and tell me about your travels. Where as with a regular interview they will see the gap and not even ask you why it is there.
The next tip we have is to be very open-minded with the recruiter. If you are looking for work and they let you know about a contract job or temporary job that would be great for you, don’t turn away just because you are looking for a more permanent position. That job could lead to a full-time job with that company and it will allow you to have more experience in different places.
Working with a job recruiter is completely free for you, how many times in your life can you say that? That means you can get career counseling, resume assistance, and even interview preparation skills. Take advantage of this great opportunity and it can lead you to getting an even better job.
Even though you want to be open minded, you can still say no. In fact, don’t be afraid to. If the pay is below what you can take or it’s in the wrong area of town for you, let the recruiter know you cannot take that opportunity and be honest with them why. They will appreciate that and be able to continue looking for you.
As you can see, there are some amazing advantages about working with a staffing agency. For more tips, contact us today.