There are many phenomenal benefits to outsourcing certain tasks within your business model.
By putting your tasks in the hands of specialized companies, you’re getting access to people with high skillsets, cost-efficiency, more risk management, etc.
Not to mention that your business has the potential to run for 24 hours a day, every single day of the week.
It creates a high rate of return for anyone that does it. But what specific tasks should you choose to outsource to other companies?
Here are several tasks that you’ll want to give to outsourced jobs. Consider all of these options and make the right fit for your business.
1. Answering Incoming Calls
You might have a phone answering service set up to some capacity, but when your customers have real questions or issues, they want to talk to another person.
However, you probably can’t justify paying the expenses of an in-house employee just so that someone can pick up the phone.
Even if you could, you wouldn’t be able to pay for an entire team of them, and one person can’t hope to field all your incoming calls at once.
That’s why it’s better to outsource your customer service needs to a company that specializes in it. You’ll gain access to a field of professionals that aim to please your customers.
Better yet, you can train them on your industry and have them prepared for almost any situation.
It’s a great tool for building customer loyalty to your brand and gaining peace of mind that all your incoming calls are being treated with care.
2. Accounting
Every business owner knows of the importance of having an accountant or two in your business model.
However, many of them either make the mistake of hiring an in-house accountant they can’t afford or trying to take on the accounting tasks themselves. Neither option is conducive to a successful business.
There are many aspects to accounting such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial analysis, payroll, etc. Without the proper education and experience, all of those areas will suffer.
Because of that, you need to find a bookkeeping company that you can outsource your accounting needs to.
They can provide you with sound information and knowledge on some simple mistakes you may have overlooked. More importantly, they can help you get your accounting back on track.
3. Software Creation
Every business would benefit from having the ability to create custom software that caters to their every need.
The only problem is that there aren’t many companies with the in-house talent to be able to oversee that. Because of that, the opportunity for building custom software falls by the wayside.
Outsourcing your software creating can give you an advantage over all of the competitors within your industry.
You can answer the call to some of your company’s biggest problems, such as hiring, customer support, and recruiting all with building your own software.
However, don’t make the common mistake of thinking that “outsourcing” automatically means that you need to go offshore.
There’s a strategy known as nearshoring which allows you to better manage the team, have more of a cultural fit, and build a more cohesive bonding with your in-house and outsourced teams.
To learn more about nearshoring, be sure to read this article that provides a nearshore definition. It can be a tremendous resource for your software creation, as well as many other outsourcing tasks for your company.
4. Human Resources
There’s one thing that every business needs, regardless of size, industry, location, or business model… and that’s human resources.
The harsh reality is that there are aspects to running a company you may have zero knowledge of.
For example, your company might be doing something illegal by not providing a certain benefit (such as worker’s comp) for your employees that’s commanded by the law.
Even though you had no way of knowing that, your business could be up for significant fines or other penalties. Not to mention, you’re doing your employees a disservice.
However, you might not have the cash flow right now to be able to afford even one in-house human resources employee.
In that instance, it makes sense to outsource your human resources needs in order to protect your in-house team.
They can help you with things such as hiring, managing your workforce, promotions, advertising your job positions, etc. If you don’t have an HR service, then your employees will come to you with their problems.
5. Marketing
Marketing is a crucial aspect of any business, regardless of the product or service that you sell.
However, it’s not as easy as simply posting an add on a nearby highway billboard. In this day and age, there’s a lot more that goes into marketing plans.
Things such as website design, search engine optimization, social media, and brand building are all of vital importance to your marketing tactics.
If you can’t justify paying for your own in-house marketing team, then there are plenty of options for you to outsource your marketing needs.
In fact, you can try outsourcing it to a local marketing agency in order to build a business relationship that will continue to develop for years to come.
Fill Your Needs With These Outsourced Jobs
Now that you’ve seen several options for outsourced jobs to your company, it’s time to give them a try.
Take some time to consider the outsourcing services that your company can truly benefit from.
Be sure to browse our website for more articles on business topics, as well as other helpful information.