You might be shocked to learn that, in 2020, almost half of all businesses still don’t have websites set up. That means that, if your business does have a website, you’re already ahead of the game when it comes to competing with many other businesses.
But you shouldn’t stop there. In addition to creating a website for your business, you should also establish a company blog. Blogging for your small business is so important because it’s one of the best ways to connect with your customers while also keeping your website as a whole current.
Outside of starting a small business blog, you should make it a point to improve your blog over time to increase your website’s traffic. There are some simple steps you can take to make your blog bigger and better as you move forward.
Check out five tips for sprucing up your company blog and getting more traffic below.
1. Create a Schedule for Posting Blogs and Stick to It
You don’t necessarily need to post new articles on your blog every single day to increase your website’s traffic. But generally speaking, you should try to post blogs at least once each week, if not more often than that.
When you first set up a company blog, sit down, and create a schedule as far as how often you’re going to post blogs. Once you have a schedule in place, do your best to stick to it so that you have content going up on your blog all the time.
The more content writing that you do, the better your blog is going to be overall. It won’t be long before your customers start to take notice of how much hard work you’re putting into your blog.
2. Make Sure Your Blog Touches on Topics Important to Your Customers
Your company blog shouldn’t be filled with random topics that most of your customers aren’t going to care about it. Instead, it should touch on the types of things that you know for a fact your customers are going to want to read.
For example, if you run an auto repair shop, there are all kinds of topics that you can come up with for your company blog that will help provide your customers with valuable information. For example, you can create blogs with titles like:
- How Often Should I Get an Oil Change?
- How Much Does It Cost to Get a Tune-Up?
- How Long Does It Take to Rebuild an Engine?
By writing these kinds of blogs, you’ll give your customers info that they can use. You’ll also build up a certain level of trust with them by showing them that you know what you’re talking about.
3. Keep Search Engine Optimization in Mind When Doing Blog Content Writing
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is something that should be in the back of your mind at all times when you’re doing blog content writing. SEO is what’s going to bring organic traffic to your site and open your business up to new customers.
What is SEO? It’s essentially a process that involves adding certain things to your company blog that will boost its standing with the various search engines.
Some of the things that you’ll want to add to the articles that you write for your small business blog to improve SEO include:
- Keywords that are specific to your industry
- Internal and external links
- Relevant images
You’ll also want to make sure that your blog loads up fast and try to make your blogs at least 500 or even 1,000 words without jampacking too much “fluff” into them. This will show Google and the other search engines that you’re serious about creating high-quality blog content.
4. Format the Articles on Your Blog So That They’re Easy to Read
Drumming up interest in your company blog by stockpiling it with great content is only half the battle. In addition to putting content up on your blog, you also need to make sure people stick around once they visit it.
How can you do this? One way to ensure people don’t visit your blog and then leave right away is by formatting your articles properly. You want to draw people in with a strong introduction for each blog and then format it so that they can’t help but continue to read it.
Here are some tips for doing this:
- Write paragraphs that have just two or three sentences tops
- Break up your content by using headers and subheaders to separate sections
- Work bullet points into the mix whenever possible
People aren’t going to spend much time reading your blog if they’re greeted by one big block of text every time they visit it. By formatting your blog articles in the right way, you can entice them to stick around for a little longer than they would otherwise.
5. Hire Professionals to Help You If You Don’t Have Time to Write Blogs
Not every small business owner is cut out to do blog content writing. Many people don’t have the time to write blogs every week.
If you’re someone who just can’t seem to find the time to create content for your company blog, consider outsourcing your blogging needs. Learn where to get great content for your blog by speaking with a company that specializes in providing small businesses with content writing and SEO services.
Your Company Blog Could Bring in More Traffic Than It Does Now
Is your company blog generating its fair share of traffic every month? If it’s not, you should try and change that as soon as possible by beefing up your blog with more content.
You should also make sure you’re adding the right kinds of content to your small business blog and format it in a way that makes it fun to read. Doing all of this will reflect well on your company and allow you to use your company blog more effectively as a digital marketing tool.
Take a look at the rest of our blog to find more helpful small business blogging tips.