When you want to have the best of the best working within your company, help them stay at the top of their game. Someone that comes to you being at the forefront will fall behind their peers if they aren’t constantly improving.
Having an in-house training program may be costly and time-intensive to develop but the benefits you enjoy once you have it in place are countless. Continue reading this article to learn why you need internal training and how to develop your own in house training.
1. Makes Your Employees More Efficient
The most notable of these reasons is that you can help your employees become more efficient. When employees waste time at work, not only are they costing your company money but they are likely causing other employees to slack off in their work.
When you work to train employees on what is expected of them and give them the right tools and education, they are more likely to be proud of their work and how they do it.
2. Encourages Employee Loyalty
When your company offers employee development opportunities, you’ll realize many people find this very valuable. When you take an interest in helping your employees advance, they are more likely to stay and continue working with your company.
Show the employees a track where they can improve, grow and advance on the job at your company and they have little reason to want to leave.
3. Keep Your Employees In the Know
Things are always changing in your industry, with technology and every other way imaginable. If your company doesn’t offer in house training, your employees may never go through ongoing education. Many people don’t feel like they have the time or that they don’t want to put their money into ongoing training.
Offering employees in house training opportunities allow them to get the training they need without having to invest their off the clock time or their own money in the training. Since your employees will be paid to learn and won’t have to take time away from their home life, they are more likely to be engaged and learn.
If your employees aren’t up to date with important changes in technology or in the industry, your entire company may fall behind. Your company is only as good as the employees that make up the company so investing in their training and advancement is always a good way to increase their value.
4. Create a Pool of Promise
Throughout the years, people will retire, change jobs or be promoted. When you invest time and money into creating in house training for your employees, you will create a promising pool of talent that you hire from.
Who better to bring into management than someone that knows how the company works and has shown their loyalty to the company?
Developing Your In-House Training Program
Now that you understand how important in house training is, you’re likely excited to get started. But how do you get started?
Don’t over-complicate the process. It’s easy to get started but the results can give you a large return on investment.
Consider Your Options
There are quite a few options for in-house training. Figure out which option will work the best for your company culture.
If you already have staff members that would be good trainers, you might assign in-house trainers. Don’t assign someone that doesn’t know how to communicate and is afraid to speak in front of a room just because they know the subject.
It is important that the person you hire has both technical knowhow and the ability to connect with the people they are teaching.
Brown bag lunches are another popular option. A brown bag lunch is where everyone sits to listen to someone share about what they do in the company. You provide the lunch and encourage the participants to ask questions.
You might also consider one-on-one training. You’ll find many seasoned professionals are more than happy to take on a motivated employee with less experience and help them navigate the waters.
Create a Curriculum
Once you’ve figured out how you want to do your in-house training, you need to create a curriculum. Don’t get all overwhelmed with the word curriculum.
To create a successful curriculum for your in-house training, all you need to do is figure out the best way to organize what you have to teach.
Many people like to create videos or powerpoint presentations to make curriculum engaging and easy to follow. You don’t have to get fancy with it but make sure it looks professional so the bad graphics and bad presentation don’t distract from the overall message.
Once you have everything together, your curriculum is ready to go and your in-house training program is just waiting to get to work on your behalf. Update your curriculum as changes happen in your industry.
In-House Training for the Win
Now that you know more about in-house training and how to make it work for you, why stop learning there? We understand that you’re busy developing your company but with the proper knowledge, you can take your company even farther. We have more articles around this topic that can help you develop as you’re working to develop your in-house training program.
Browse our website, find your favorite section, drop a bookmark and come back soon for more great reads.