If you’re an entrepreneur looking to escape the 9-to-5 rat race, an RV can be an integral part of your exit strategy. It can help you shift your priorities so that more of your effort is going towards building your self-reliance instead of keeping you “working for the man”.
Sell Your House and Car
One of the biggest leaps you’ll ever make is selling your house and car and getting an RV. Your new RV payment should be smaller than the combined mortgage and car payment so you’ll downsize your monthly obligations, instantly putting less pressure on yourself and making it easier to make enough money on your own to call yourself a full-time entrepreneur.
Buy an RV
Once you sell your home and car you should have the cash necessary to buy an RV. If you’re currently renting, let your lease expire and rent an RV with Outdoorsy so you can use your old rent payments on something that lets you see the country instead of keeping you in your rut. Additionally, if you do want to purchase one you can consider a RV or caravan loan and make your repayments to own it.
How much RV you get depends largely on your needs, and how much you were able to get for your house. Don’t overbuy, as this will defeat the point, but try not to underbuy as well, as it will make it feel like a hardship or a sacrifice if you don’t have enough space to function at your best.
Get Off the Grid
Getting off the grid can really help you feel like you’re making it on your own. Investing in solar panels lets you go places you couldn’t go before, and stay there for longer periods of time. You can also stay in places that are less expensive or even free when you don’t need an electrical hookup.
Minimize Expenses
When you minimize your monthly expenses you reduce the amount needed from your entrepreneurial endeavors. See how much easier it is to only buy the things you need when you are living full time in your RV. Set up a daily routine that keeps your expenses low while focusing on making more money from your different projects.
It’s fun when you realize that without the slew of monthly bills associated with home ownership (trash pickup, taxes, mortgage, homeowner’s insurance, car payment, car insurance for each car, electricity, gas, cable, Internet, etc) you can actually start to meet the financial goals you’ve always had.
Earn on the Go
Finding a way to earn money while you’re traveling in your RV will be the final step to the process. You’ll be able to earn from anywhere, and with your new recreational vehicle you’ll be able to push the limits on that. Try your hand at writing, blogging, or owning a website that generates enough income each month to keep your dream alive.
By reducing your monthly outgo and increasing your monthly income you’ll be able to reach new heights, see new places, and be free from the constraints of our modern work-a-day world. When and if you decide to re-enter society you’ll be able to do so on your terms, and you’ll have seen so many places you’ll know exactly where you want to call home.