Employees can get bored without incentives to do better. Here are 9 essential ways to boost productivity in the workplace and keep your employees happy, too.
Regardless of the industry you’re in, the success of your business depends heavily on the productivity of your employees. They’re the backbone of your infrastructure.
Unfortunately, productivity is declining in the United States. This is in part due to outdated technology. In addition, employees may not feel empowered to take their performance to the next level.
As a business owner, you need to take measures to streamline your day-to-day operation. This will improve employee morale and help optimize your output.
You may need to make serious changes, but they’ll pay off in the long-run. Let’s look at nine ways you can boost productivity in the workplace.
1. Delegate Responsibility
It’s important each employee understands they’re accountable for the work assigned to them. However, if your staff has their hands in a number of tasks, this may seem overwhelming.
Furthermore, there’s a chance you’re not giving certain employees the opportunity to exhibit their full potential. As a result, they may not feel fulfilled in their position.
Take a look at each employees’ strengths and delegate tasks to the most qualified person. You may need to redefine roles, but in the end, your staff will feel better about their jobs.
Plus, because you’re making employees accountable for duties they excel at, you’ll notice an upturn in productivity.
2. Implement the Right Tools
If your office doesn’t have the proper equipment or software, there’s no way your employees can perform their jobs to the best of their abilities.
The right office equipment takes menial tasks away from your staff so they can concentrate on their jobs. If they’re spending time waiting for a document to print or fixing the outdated printer again, you’re throwing away man hours.
In addition, each department should have software that helps them do their jobs with more efficiency. This includes account management, billing, or creative software.
Forming a relationship with an organization that provides these resources is a great idea. For example, this company provides a wide range of equipment and software that works to boost workplace productivity.
3. Recognize and Reward
If you’re not rewarding employees for their achievements, morale with inevitably drop. This could end up affecting both productivity and staff retention.
Make sure you’re recognizing milestones and providing pay raises when deserved. If your budget doesn’t allow for this, let the employee know you value their work. There’s nothing wrong with telling them they’ll receive a pay raise the second the budget allows for it.
You could also reward your staff with other things such as an increase in paid time off or office parties. In addition, it’s important to announce employee achievements to the entire staff.
4. Avoid Micro-Managing
Your employees need to feel free to make decisions and approach tasks the best way they see fit. They can’t do this if they’re getting micro-managed.
Plus, if you micro-manage, eventually your employees will start to depend on you all the time. This is horrible for office productivity.
Having faith in your employees’ abilities will empower them to take control of their roles. You’ll then enjoy a more positive and productive environment.
5. A Comfortable Setting
Providing an office environment that’s aesthetically pleasing and comfortable has a huge impact on productivity. After all, this is where you and your staff spend 40 hours each week.
Providing ergonomic chairs and desks will help make things much more comfortable. It’s also important to keep the office space at an appropriate temperature.
Incorporate nice interior design elements such as artwork, plants, and modern breakroom furniture. Nobody wants to go to work every day in a drab, depressing office.
6. Make Breaks Mandatory
On the surface, this may seem counterproductive. However, when employees take
regular breaks, their overall productivity rises.
Make sure you encourage your staff to leave their desks and take a break every 90 minutes. This will help them recharge their batteries.
The last thing you want is employee burnout. This will drain your productivity and kill office morale.
7. Track Time Spent on Tasks
As a business owner or manager, it’s imperative you understand how long each task takes. This allows you to gauge where bottlenecks are occurring. It also helps you get a sense of individual performance.
Tracking these metrics are easy if you have the right software in place. You can run reports to determine where you need to make changes. You may find it’s time to move an employee to a new role.
If you don’t have software that can help you track time, your department heads will need to help you out. They’ll need to evaluate each employee’s performance to determine where deficiencies are and what resources can help streamline the process.
8. Communication is Key
If there’s a breakdown in communication, there’s simply no way your workplace can run efficiently.
It’s essential all managers clearly communicate what they expect from the employees. Everyone should understand the ultimate goal of their specific roles.
It’s also important employees feel they can express their opinions and concerns. There’s a good chance you’ll learn from your staff about how to make your operation more productive.
Finally, if there’s an issue between two employees that are causing communication to suffer, a resolution needs to happen quickly. You may need to make adjustments to an employee’s role to smooth out the problem.
9. No More Multitasking
It may seem like multitasking is the best thing for a highly productive workplace. However, it actually hurts productivity.
Instead of trying to handle several things at once, concentrate on completing one task to the best of your abilities. In the end, the quality of work improves.
Furthermore, multitasking increases the chance of error. This could result in double work and added stress.
Enjoy High Productivity in the Workplace
If you notice a drop in revenue or lower output, you may have an issue with productivity. It’s important to remedy this situation before it gets out of hand.
Use the tips above to boost productivity in the workplace and get things back on track.
Check out more articles on how to optimize your business infrastructure.