A personal injury lawsuit is filed by people hurt, wounded, or wronged by the actions of another. The legal trial helps people present their case against the one who caused the injury. Based on the pre-set clauses, the guilt of the accused is determined, and according to the nature and extent of injuries, the guilty party must compensate the injured for the losses incurred by him.
Everyone knows that legal trials take time until the victim gets justice, and sometimes the outcome may not favor the victim. That’s why most of the time, parties choose to resolve the issue out of court. Both parties agree on a financial sum deemed adequate to cover the damages and the losses incurred by the injured party.
Any compensation that the court calculates takes into account the injury’s physical, emotional, psychological, and financial impact on the plaintiff. Personal injury lawsuits cover a range of cases.
Types of Personal Injuries
Personal injuries can be of different types. They include road accidents, childbirth injuries, or injuries at a construction site. These injuries involve two parties, and one party can sue another for being directly or indirectly responsible for the suffering and trauma the person has endured.
Typically, these types of lawsuits include road accident cases, construction site worker injuries, etc. Additionally, there are medical negligence cases where a child is injured and ends up with serious health conditions. As a direct consequence of their injuries, children develop conditions like cerebral palsy and Erb’s palsy, impairing their ability to function normally in society. For more details, consult childbirthinjuries.com to understand the extent and impact of these problems.
Childbirth injuries occur when the doctors or the nurses mishandle the children’s cases during deliveries and critical operations and sometimes fail to give intensive care.
Types of Compensation in Personal Injury Lawsuits
When you get a personal injury due to an unfortunate event, there are economic and non-economic damages. You, as a victim, are allowed to sue the culprit and take compensation according to the personal injury lawsuit.
Here are the types of compensation that you can get in a personal injury lawsuit.
Medical Compensation
Medical compensation includes the medical treatment of the injured. It includes doctor visits, medicines, laboratory tests, and surgeries if needed. It covers all medical expenses, from medication to surgery, until the victim is up and about.
Know that the amount of compensation varies according to the severity of the injury. For example, the amount for a broken leg differs from the payment for a severe head injury.
Property Damage Compensation
Your vehicle also gets damaged when you get injured in a road accident. Not only cars, but you can also lose your cellphones, laptops, tablets, etc. So, obviously, you want compensation for that too.
When the defendant agrees to compensate you for these losses, all you have to do is to make a receipt of all the valuables. After determining the value, you can pass it on to them and get your compensation.
Compensation for Financial Crisis
Getting involved in an accident and becoming injured means taking extended leave due to a severe injury and eventually suffering a financial crisis. In that case, you can claim compensation for lost wages.
All you need to do is to record and document the lost salary or daily wage and the loss you have suffered or are still suffering. Following adequate documentation can help build a strong case for including these damages in the final compensation claim amount.
Compensation for Emotional Trauma
Emotional trauma is genuine after you have had an accident. You feel drastic changes which are sometimes unfortunately physical. The physical impact of an accident is visible, but the emotional trauma it triggers is less evident. You may experience psychological and emotional distress as a direct consequence of the accident and feel depressed.
Any financial losses or costs involved in helping you deal with the trauma are calculated as part of the compensation that the court feels is justified.
Consortium Loss Compensation
This is a claim the victim’s spouse makes if any injury compromises their family relationship. It includes performing primary marital duties, loss of support and guidance, social life, and help caring for the family. If any of these things occur, the spouse can ask for compensation.
Punitive Damages
In the cases of punitive damages, the court decides to punish the accused to prevent grievous instances in the future. According to Florida Statutes 2022, the defendant is answerable for his action if it’s an outcome of gross negligence or intentional misconduct. In that case, the law-enforcing agencies hold them accountable and impose a penalty on the defendant.
Bottom Line
Personal injury compensation claims are designed to help recover the losses of a person injured by the negligence or carelessness of another person. If you go with the lawsuit proceeding, you will likely get the judgment after a lengthy trial. You must fulfill the requirements and submit evidence supporting your claims, such as medical records and proper documentation.
On the other hand, outside court settlements promise reasonable cash payment without initiating lengthy court proceedings and their associated hassle and costs. However, the compensation amount will also be measured by the degree of responsibility of both parties. Indeed, you get compensation according to the seriousness of the situation, and a court may award a larger sum in damages than you would get through a settlement.