48% of businesses claim that refining their sales funnel efficiency is a top priority this year. Are you part of one of those businesses?
If you’re having a tough time generating revenue online, your sales funnel may ultimately be the issue.
Keep reading to learn how you can improve your sales funnel and turn it into a true customer journey.
Outline Your Ideal Customer
You’re selling a product or service. But do you know who, exactly, you’re selling to?
If you don’t have a specific target customer, you’ll end up spending far too much on a sales funnel designed to attract too wide of an audience.
Instead, refine your marketing goals beginning with your customer persona. Create a detailed report of your company’s idea of a perfect customer, then design your sales funnel around them.
Look for Problem Areas in Your Existing Funnel
Even if your current sales funnel isn’t as effective as it could be, there may still be elements worth saving. To find out what’s worth keeping, you’ll want to reverse engineer your current funnel.
For this, turn to your analytics. Find out where, exactly, you’re losing people.
Retool Your Landing Page
Your landing page can make or break your sales funnel. It’s here that you’ll capture your audience’s information, and hopefully, their sale.
While each landing page looks a bit different, most share a few similar elements:
- A conversational tone
- An eye-catching headline
- An offering, like a freebie, in exchange for an email address
- Mobile-friendly design
- A strong call to action
A great way to learn more about landing pages is to snoop on the competition. Head to their website and see what they’re doing to attract customers.
Tell, Don’t Sell
Aside from your landing page, your blog is the most significant portion of your sales funnel. 81% of customers see content creation like blogging as a trustworthy means of gathering info.
So what makes blogging such a valuable sales tool? Namely the fact that selling often comes second to information.
It might seem counter-intuitive, but audiences are more likely to trust a company that places the customer’s needs (in this instance a search for information) above their own.
Speed up the Checkout Process
69.57% of online transactions result in cart abandonment. Think about how much money you could be losing, just because you have a lengthy checkout process!
The faster the checkout, the more likely a customer is to complete a sale. Think about it: how many times have you purchased something on Amazon using the one-click purchasing option?
Cut down on extra clicks, redirects, and sign-ins.
Turn to Automation
Automation is the future of digital marketing — and that extends to your sales funnel.
Most funnels require users to juggle a variety of platforms. It can all get overwhelming quickly.
This is why companies like ClickFunnels aim to simplify the process by giving users direct control over their funnel via a simple dashboard. This automation is more than worth the investment. Check out this article on ClickFunnels Pricing to learn more.
How to Make a Funnel That Works
Now that you have everything you need for a sales funnel that works, it’s time to get to work. Improve your sales funnel and you’ll see the sales increase in no time.
And don’t forget to check back with our blog for more great content like this.