While most businesses would love to be able to have a great online following that came all organically, in today’s world, many businesses almost have to rely on online ads in order to get any traction with their online customers. However, just having ads out on the internet won’t necessarily help your business grow. To really see success, you have to ensure that the ads you’re placing will really resonate with those who run across them.
To help you see how you can accomplish this goal, here are three tips for creating the right messaging with your online ads.
Think About Targeting Just One Person
There are billions of people around the world that have access to the internet. To reach these people, a lot of businesses will try to cast the widest net possible when creating online ads. However, this approach often has the opposite effect of what a company is hoping for.
Rather than taking this route, Emma Siemasko, a contributor to WordStream.com, advises that you think about creating your ad for one specific person rather than a whole group of people. By changing your way of thinking about your ads in this way, the actual messaging that you’ll come up with to attract and resonate with this one person will, in fact, make your ads better for the entire demographic of people that you’re trying to reach.
Take The Time To Test Your Ads
Once you think you’ve got your ads right, instead of just setting it and forgetting it, the best way to ensure that the messaging is as good as it can get is to run A/B tests by making little tweaks to your ads.
When running these A/B tests, Christina Newberry and Stacey MacLachlan, contributors to Hootsuite.com, recommend that you test on smaller audiences rather than the entire demographic that you’re targeting. This way, you’ll be able to see what’s working with smaller groups and then use the knowledge you’ve gained from these tests to finetune the messaging for your entire campaign.
Be A Solution, Not A Reminder Of The Problem
The point of most online ads is to get more people doing business with your organization. With this goal in mind, many ads spend too much time explaining how great the company is in an effort to convince people to buy. However, focusing your messaging so that it’s more customer-centric yields better results.
For example, David Frey, a contributor to BusinessKnowHow.com, shares that you should craft your online ads so that they address what’s in it for your customers rather than what exactly it is that your business does. This way, you’ll be providing your audience with an easy solution as opposed to just reminding them of their problems.
If you’re going to be creating new online ads for your business, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you get the messaging just right.