Are you a freelancer who has been affected by Coronavirus?
The digital nomad lifestyle offers workers the flexibility to determine their workload, decide when they want to work. It also allows them to work where they want.
There are 57 million people engaged in Freelance employment in the USA.
You may think that the nomad lifestyle will be ideal for weathering the challenges that COVID-19 has thrown up. While many regular employees are asked to work from home by their bosses, freelancers already do this.
But things are not quite so straight forward for freelancers. There are many challenges thrown up by Coronavirus, and it impacts digital nomads in so many ways.
Here are some tips on how to live the digital nomad lifestyle during Coronavirus.
What is a Freelancer?
Digital nomads can work from anywhere. You may see them sitting in your local coffee shop, headphones in, working at their laptops. For some, the ultimate freedom of their work allows them to travel the world, picking up digital jobs as they go.
Many freelance workers will work from home on a regular basis.
Typical careers for freelancers include content writers, bloggers, digital artists, graphic designers, app developers, and website designers.
Freelancers are self-employed. They file their own taxes. Some workers will have regular clients, and some will get their worth through agencies.
Many people employed in this manner will take small short term jobs. This leads to roles in this type of work, often being referred to as being part of the ‘gig economy.’
How Does Coronavirus Affect the Digital Nomad Lifestyle?
For freelancers in the midst of the global Coronavirus pandemic, there is no option to work anywhere but from home. For those that thrive on the constant change in their routine, being stuck inside might prove to be an emotional challenge.
With so much of the world on lockdown, many businesses have closed their doors. For clients that are still trading, money may be limited. As the economy braces for a slowdown, companies are tightening their belts.
This hits freelancers hard. With fewer clients spending, finding work has become tough for many and may remain so for the foreseeable future.
Maintain a Proactive Outlook For Obtaining Work
Freelancers are often very adept at self-promotion. When you need to hunt down clients and work on a daily basis, it becomes second nature to constantly look for leads.
The bottom line for those working in the gig economy is that times are tough out there. Freelancers have to redouble their efforts to find enough work to survive.
This means mailing all their existing clients, offering discounted work. It might mean hitting up every freelancing job board, or agency, to look for work.
Keeping busy and taking a proactive approach to finding work is essential.
Taking Temporary Work During the Downturn
While freelance work is slowing down, you may need to look to other sectors to maintain an income.
To meet the changing demand in grocery deliveries, many supermarkets are rapidly employing large numbers of delivery drivers and pickers to support their stores.
These contracts may be short term and part-time, offering a flexible solution for unemployed freelancers. This type of contract may allow those in the gig economy to continue to work until the availability of gig work starts to improve.
Seek Out Financial Help While Living the Digital Nomad Lifestyle
If your work as a freelancer has been affected by this sudden pandemic, seek the financial assistance you need.
Many governments across the world have promised support for workers to help with lost earnings. Although self-employed workers pose different challenges to fixed employees, there may still be the support that you can apply for.
Visit your government’s website and see what you’re eligible for and how to apply. Remember, there is an unprecedented amount of people in the same situation, and waiting times for assistance may be high. The earlier you apply, the better.
Use the Opportunity to Broaden Your Skillset
If you’re unable to work, take the opportunity to improve your skills. By taking online courses, you could gain experience that you could use to give your career a boost.
Find online courses on sites like or prepare for exams with sites like
Using this free time for something that may greatly benefit your life should be seen as a good thing. Keeping active by completing an online course will also give you something to focus on and help relieve the boredom.
Remember to Take Care of Your Mental Health
The Coronavirus lockdown that many people are experiencing is challenging. We’re used to living such active lives. To suddenly change our lives to not being able to go anywhere is an emotional and mental culture shock. Speaking of cultures, people in certain parts of the world, such as Muslim countries where mental health problems are unacceptable, have an even harder time coping with the pandemic because they can’t openly express how they feel and seek help.
It is vital to remember to take care of your mental health during this time.
Create a daily routine where self-care is prioritized. You could include some of the following into your day:
- Do an online yoga workout
- Read a book
- Engage in a creative activity such as writing, painting, or making music
- Phone or video chat with friends and family
- Where permitted, take some exercise outside such as a run or a walk
- Take a bath to help you relax
If you are struggling with your mental health, get in touch with a support charity. Organizations such as Samaritans have the phone and email support for those that need it.
How Have You Adapted to The Changes Brought On By Coronavirus?
Coronavirus has affected people all over the world. It is a challenging time in many ways.
How has Coronavirus affected your lifestyle? Are you a freelance artist or writer? Are you managing to find work? What are your tips?
During this stressful period, it is important that we all come together and give each other the support we need.
What are your tips for those living the digital nomad lifestyle?
For more lifestyle advice, check out other articles on the site.