When your windows are not performing up to their potential, they are foggy, cold, or broken; you face a dilemma of whether you should go for repairing or replacing. Many individuals believe that repair seems to be the easy way out. But the matter of fact is that repair is not always possible in modern windows. Experts say that single pane and older windows are simple to fix. In comparison, double or triple-pane windows experience difficulties while repairing. In some cases, it is not possible to repair them at all.
So, what are the possible cases of when you should repair or replace your windows? Take a look.
First things first…
When should you repair your windows?
- Cracked/Broken glass – If the single-pane windows in your house are cracked or broken, it is easier to repair them. Glazier can easily work with the single pane ones. And if you have been facing problems with broken multi-pane windows for a long time, look into its sash replacement. If it doesn’t work out, you need to get going with repairing your windows.
- Rotting or missing drip cap – The drip cap acts as an exterior shield for the window top. Not to mention that this comes under an easy repair. Hence, you can buy rust-free aluminum or rot-free drip caps to be installed in the home and then caulk them for the best performance.
- Minor water leakage – When you detect water near the window area, it is quite possible that the water is coming from around the window and not through it. The window seals are designed to hold back water from drain pipes. But it cannot hold back the water of a great force. To deal with this, re-route the drainage system of your home. If still facing the problem, it’s time for the repair.
This is all about when you should be adopting for repairs. But what are the situations in which you have to replace the windows altogether? Let’s find out.
When to replace your windows?
- Structural problems – The outer structure of the window plays a vital role in determining whether you have to replace it or not. If the outer structure of the windows is in poor shape, begin with replacing the windows.
- Foggy windows – Condensed water inside the double or triple-pane insulated glass unit (IGU) of windows is the reason behind foggy windows. Nowadays, IGUs come with permanency. So, what is the option here? The answer is replacement window glass for better performance. Of course, trying to repair your foggy windows will mean dismantling the structure which is not possible all the time.
- Major water leakage – In case your window is showing excessive water infiltration, it indicates that the exterior window casing is not in good condition. If there is a major water leakage coming through the window, tighten your belt to get moving with replacing the windows.
To sum it all up
Now that you have a better idea of how to decide between repair and replacement, choose wisely. After this change, your home will not only get a new look, but it will surely improve the energy efficiency of your house.