While some of us can get by with an internet connection and a laptop, there is much more needed when it comes to setting up a legitimate home office. Most people who work from home will also need space to do manual or offline work as well. That said, because it can take next to no effort to create a home office, some people tend to get sloppy with it. There are quite a few basic yet overlooked things that make every home office work.
Organized Wiring
Cable management and outlets are something that most people do not think about until they run out of outlets or realize that they have a wire jungle around their desk. Getting the best desk power outlet, cable turtles, or even getting creative with a few binder clips are all great ways to handle both of these issues. These things can keep the cables plugged in, yet out of the way so that you won’t injure yourself tripping over them.
Multiple Monitors
There are many benefits to working from home. Making sure that you have your office set up with everything you need can go a long way toward helping you realize them. You might be surprised at the difference that a multiple monitor setup can make. When you add an additional monitor, you reduce the cognitive load on your brain, making it easier to work while not getting distracted. Frequent notifications such as emails and chat windows will still pop up, but out of your line of sight.
Hidden Peripherals
If you need your fax machines or printers but do not use them much, it makes sense to keep them in a cabinet or even covered with a drop cloth. It might surprise you how much neater things can be like that. Also, doing this will keep the dust from building upon them, which then saves you a lot of effort when it comes to the time you spend cleaning.
The Ideal Chair
If you are like most of us, the chances are good that you do your work sitting down. Many of us spend about 12 hours each day sitting. Because of the length of time that you will spend in your chair, you owe it to your body to get the best one possible. Ergonomic chairs can be a bit pricey, but they are a lot cheaper than the physical therapy or medical bills you will have down the road if you buy the cheap option now.
You might opt to do away with a chair altogether and go with a standing desk. Then again, you might prefer a smaller, cube-style workspace if you need to remain focused. What is important is that you find a desk that’ll work for you as opposed to against you.
Again, creating the ideal home office is not difficult. Just remember to keep what you need close at hand, periodically clean up your workspace, and make sure that it works for you.