Opening a rehabilitation center is a wonderful step towards helping humanity. Here are the important things to know before starting a private rehab center.
As more than 23 million people deal with addiction at any given time, there is a huge need for rehabilitation centers. If you want to create a private rehab center, you could provide a unique take on treatment for people struggling with addiction.
Here are three things that you need to know before you begin your journey of opening your own private rehab center.
1. You Need to Be Licensed
When you want to open up a private rehabilitation center, you may be filled with excitement about the prospect of helping people. That’s an exciting prospect, but you need to make sure you stay grounded in reality. This means getting all the required licenses and certifications required by your state.
Your ability to get licensed will rely on how the area near you is zoned. Lots of people have a “not in my backyard” mentality when it comes to rehab. If they have an open heart in person but a NIMBY attitude when it comes to their local community board or city council, you could be in for a challenge.
You may also need to submit a copy of your training and policy manuals to your local licensing agency for approval.
2. Start With a Business Plan
While a rehab facility is a place for helping people, it’s also a business like any others. You can’t operate at a deficit for long and you need to market yourself like any other business.
You need a straightforward business plan that accounts for potential revenue, how much billable income you’ll have, and the depth of expenditures.
You need to also create a marketing budget. You’ll need to consider outreach, commercials, and advertisements. You need to let people know about your services in order to get patients and build a reputation.
Your staff will include executives like a medical director and an executive director to make important decisions. You’ll people to work intake and then to have a medical and clerical staff to provide support. You’ll even need to think about your janitorial and administrative needs.
If you want to look at what other facilities are offering, you can compare here.
3. Accreditations
The Joint Commission or JCAHO and CARF are two of the most valuable accreditations that you can have these days. As more insurance companies require one or more of these kinds of accreditations, you need to make sure you have them.
When you show that you’re approved to treat patients, you can assure people who enroll in treatment that you’re prepared. You’ll also assure insurance companies that you can accept your payments. When you can show these certifications, you’ll get more patients, as many patients will want to use their insurance if applicable.
A Private Rehab Center Can Rebuild a Community
With the rise of the opioid crisis, there’s a major need for a private rehab center in nearly every community. IF you’re considering opening one, you’re going to provide a much-needed service while sharing your take on what people need to treat their addictions.
If you want to spread the word about your treatment center, check out our guide for creating a strong content marketing strategy.