More than half of all trackable site traffic comes from organic sources. When was the last time you checked your site traffic?
It’s always a good idea to peek under the hood of your website and see what’s working and what’s not. One thing that can give you that insight is your web traffic.
Your SEO checklist should always include a moment to monitor site traffic. We’ll show you what you should know and five good reasons to always check site traffic.
1. Up Your Conversion Rates
Organic SEO clicks still produce more conversions and paying customers than traditional advertising. Shocking, but true!
Understanding where your leads are coming from will help you boost business and make more money. Use this info to understand what organic SEO is bringing people in and improve your tactics.
2. Discover New Sources
What if your product or service is drawing in customers from a certain niche and you didn’t even know it? Know how to check site traffic can show you new sources that you weren’t even targeting before.
If you feel your SEO has gotten a little stale, this is a great way to figure out new ways to bring eyes to your site. Learning more on SEO will shape up your current strategy and attract fresh customers.
3. Most Popular Pages
Think you know which pages your customers like the most? Think again — their favorites might be different from yours.
Customers might gravitate towards pages that you didn’t think worked as well as they do. Once you see which pages they spend their time on, you can improve customer experience on them and pour more energy and attention into making them the best they can be.
4. Create Better Content
Your website traffic stats are going to show you what your customers want to see. Which pages are they visiting, what are they searching for, and what products are the most popular?
Now you’ll have a plan for both on site and social media content. Consider creating blog posts or even video series about things your site traffic shows is popular with your customers.
5. Streamline User Experience
You know where your customers are coming from and what they’re searching for. You’ve given them more content and found customers coming from niches you didn’t even know worked well with your business.
Understanding all of that will give you a perspective of your customer’s journey. From there, you can streamline user experience to make sure they get everything they want from your site.
More Reasons to Check Site Traffic
If you’re still asking yourself “should I check site traffic?” this list proves that the only answer is YES! Don’t miss out on this wealth of information.
It’s not hard to check site traffic on your site. Dedicate a few hours a week to monitoring it and making improvements.
From there, you should start to see a positive change. A few tweaks could be all that’s needed to take your business to the next level.
Ready to keep growing your business with SEO and more? Check out our other personal growth articles and expand your horizons.