Are you tired of staying stuck at the same number of followers with low total engagement on your Instagram? You’ve tried a dozen different growth strategies but you still don’t see many results.
You may be missing a key factor in growing your Instagram account: building a personal brand.
It takes more than posting content and hash-tagging to scale the growth of your Instagram. You don’t shoot blindly in the dark and hope to land on the target. There’s rhyme and rhythm to this process, and in this blog, we’ll share with you the social media branding and marketing tips you need to jumpstart your personal branding.
Decide Your Niche and Target Audience
Before you even start to create content, you must first decide your niche and who you wish to target. Yes, you may have heard this a million times before but it’s because this crucial step decides the rest of your personal brand.
The maxim that may help you most in this step is: “Decide who you are and do it on purpose.”
You have a million different directions you can take with your personal brand. It’s up to you to decide:
- what kind of brand do you wish to be
- what is your brand personality
- who do you want to talk to
When you have a targeted audience, you don’t have to scream for your audience to hear you. You can only become Instagram famous with a consistent personal brand.
Develop a Content Strategy
Woah, woah, woah. Content strategy–what’s that? Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it seems.
A content strategy considers your business goals in the planning, creation, and distribution of content within your business.
For example, if you are a travel brand and agency looking to encourage more followers to book their next travel destination through you, your content strategy may include:
- travel inspiration
- travel guides
- general travel information
- user testimonials
- app or website demonstrations
When you provide useful information to your followers, you give them a reason to follow you. It’s not only about posting pretty travel pictures–they can find that all over Instagram.
In addition, you address the reluctance of your followers to book their travels with you by reducing the friction of navigating your app, website, or services. Creating a positive user experience with your products helps you to build a brand that is everlasting.
Measure Your Efforts
How do you know whether what you’re doing is working? The simple answer is to review your statistics.
If you get more engagement posting slideshows than videos, consider posting fewer videos (doesn’t mean you have to not post videos at all) and more slideshows.
Your content strategy can evolve based on what you find is working or not working. Don’t limit your content to what you think your followers want from you. Instagram is a platform where you can get feedback almost instantaneously. Take advantage of it.
Building a Personal Brand From Scratch
Brand building is a crucial step to growing on Instagram. If you don’t already have a solid foundation for your brand, building a personal brand from scratch may seem intimidating. However, don’t judge yourself for how long it takes to find your direction. This is a journey and you are exploring.
You can find more resources on growing your personal brand and building your business on our blog. Follow us for more!