If you are currently in education, at any level, there are so many reasons why it is absolutely vital for you that you give it all that you have. It is no secret that many people don’t pay attention in school, and then when they leave education they are filled with regrets, and wish that they had in fact focussed on their education. I must confess that I was almost one of these people when I was studying in Oregon, thankfully a family friend Patrick Lanning gave me a pep talk about my approach to education, and I changed my tact. The fear of regret is not the only reason why you should focus on your education and whilst it is difficult being young and having to dedicate time to learning rather than having fun, it is something which is necessary, and here is why.
Job Prospects
The chief reason why you need to ensure that you give your education all that you have, is in order to have better job prospects once you have left the education system. If you want to become the president, a government official or even a road sweeper, an education is going to make sure that you look like the best candidate for the job. So many people don’t understand the relationship between a solid education and a successful job, and usually don’t realise until it is too late. You may not care about the future right now, but when it comes around, you’ll wish that you did.
Having the knowledge that you can gain from a solid education is something that will eventually make you into a better person. This is not solely because you will be full of knowledge, although that is a great benefit, a strong education will give you confidence, the ability to question and make decisions, as well as opening your mind up to history and different cultures.
Further Education
If you are in high school and you have dreams about one day going to college and bettering yourself, this is not the time to be slacking off. Colleges select their students based on who has reached the required level of grades and education. With this in mind, it makes perfect sense for you to knuckle down with your education now, so that you can give yourself the best possible opportunity of getting into a college that you want to, and not just a college that will accept you. When it comes to heading off to a good college, this will help you immeasurably as you will be surrounded by others who value their education, and this will inspire you to be better. If you don’t study hard and you have to go to a poor quality college, you may be surrounded by people who’s influence can bring your level of intelligence and ambition down.
You may hate school right now, but focus hard and do your best, and you will be thankful in the future that you took this decision.