YouTube is a powerful video-sharing platform used by millions of people to share, view, and rate videos. It is one of the most popular sites today, with over 300 million unique visitors every month.
The amount of content shared on Youtube is staggering. Users can upload unlimited amounts of videos while watching an abundance of other videos at the same time. If that wasn’t enough, the viewership is growing every single day. Here are some tips from TubeKarma Reviews on promoting your YouTube channel for maximum reach and exposure.
How to Promote Your YouTube Channel for Maximum Reach
One of the best ways to promote your channel is by reaching out to other popular accounts within your niche. These people can be competitors (within reason), established channels with millions of subscribers, or simply an account that has shown itself worthy of attention. First, try to find someone who you feel will enjoy your videos. Then, if you are successful in your approach, there is a good chance they will share your channel with their audience, which can give you great exposure.
The last thing you want to do is promote yourself by shoving links at other people along with other things that annoy them. This should be done softly yet assertively, but never pushy. You may just find that many of these individuals will follow the lead of the first person who reaches out if they think they have something worthy of attention.
Understanding the YouTube Algorithm
The YouTube algorithm is a complex series of events that determine the visibility and ranking of videos. While many factors go into play, there are a few which you should be aware of to help increase your chances for success.
One of the most important things to note is that YouTube does not like duplicate content. In other words, if someone searches for a video on “How to bake an apple pie,” it will return results from one user and another user who has uploaded the same video. This makes sense from Google’s point-of-view since they want their users to find exactly what they are looking for without getting misleading or spammy results.
It doesn’t matter how good your content is; if Google thinks you are just trying to pull a fast one, you can kiss any chance of being ranked goodbye.
One way to remove the risk is by posting your content on other sites in addition to YouTube. You can do this using social media or video directories that exist solely for this purpose, such as Vidmax and Vidoza. This will keep Google from thinking you’re spamming them with duplicate projects and allow your videos to be seen and shared by more people than ever before.
How to Promote Your YouTube Channel on Twitter
While not exactly rocket science, some people don’t realize how important it is to promote yourself on Twitter. By doing so, you can easily increase the reach of your videos and drive some traffic back to your Youtube channel.
You should create a promotional account on Twitter that will feed the latest videos from your channel and other popular videos with similar content. If you are looking for accounts to follow, check out sources online such as these. You can also find accounts that share new and original material with those who seek it by checking out hashtags associated with trending topics. Many of these people love sharing new thinking and fresh takes on popular subjects.