Creating effective business cards means standing out from the crowd. With 27 million business cards printed daily, you need to know what makes a good business card.
Follow these design tips for how to make a good business card using the best design tips.
1. Keep It Simple
The first note in designing business cards involves simplicity. Your logo should stand out in memory and purpose. A healthy amount of white space makes for legible, effective business cards.
2. Can You Read It?
Speaking of legibility, what font size is your tagline or contact information? Even with a simple design, you want prospective partners and clients to recognize your mission and name. If people can’t read your cards, they can’t contact you!
3. Don’t Be Extra
The saying “less is more” holds truth beyond pure design. It can be tempting to cram as much information as possible on your business card. Don’t provide extra, irrelevant information if you want effective business cards.
4. Get Creative
With today’s technology, you can have your options for making effective business cards. You can consult a graphic design agency or get creative and use quality business card templates from trusted design software.
5. Make It Special
Even with a simplified design, effective business cards need to stand out. When it comes to designing business cards, consider special features. For example, a custom card with a built-in bottle opener is a special touch for an upcoming microbrewery.
6. Use Professional Services
Even if you only use business card templates to give you an idea of what effective business cards look like, professional services are always a great option. Generic models don’t allow for special touches and unique materials on customized business cards.
7. Remember Your Audience
When designing business cards, you have to keep your audience in mind. Are you more interested in connecting with consumers, potential investors, or prospective business partners? You can distribute effective business cards to any type of audience if you design them well.
8. Attention to Detail
One of the benefits of hiring professional services or using high-quality business card templates is designed attention to detail. An ineffective business card has misaligned text or graphics, which distract your audience from the card’s contents. Effective business cards require a keen eye for balance and precise detail.
9. Call to Action
A good business card has some form of a call to action. Whether it is a simple prompt where you request customers to contact you for a free consultation or to check out a free resource, these are a straightforward way to provoke action.
You can also create calls to action with engaging content. For example, maybe the back of your business card has a QR code that takes clients to your website.
Learn About Effective Business Cards and More
Now that you know what goes into designing effective business cards, you might have realized you need to update your logo, tagline, or other branding details. For more helpful information about business materials and the details that go into running a business, check out the rest of our quality content.