We’ve all had instances where stacks of unorganised files and books kept us from being productive due to the sheer work required to reorganise them but is there an actual connection between organisation and efficiency in the workplace? Well, let’s explore that, shall we.
Picture an office with no sorted files, papers all over your office table and just a general sense of clutter. It’s bound to affect your productivity by way of confusion. You’re going to be pacing back and forth checking different reports, trying to link your work and all whilst dancing in an endless pit of paperwork. You have all had this issue but when someone tries to the find source of low productivity, they often dismiss lack of organisation as a potential cause. Studies have shown that organisation is linked to productivity, but one doesn’t need a 5000-word essay to know this, it’s a daily occurrence in everyone’s life.
A kitchen with a misplaced toaster will have you looking through the drawers and cupboards of the kitchen to find it, this results in a loss of time and productivity. Now a kitchen with a toaster clearly placed on the counter, plugged in and ready to make a delicious cheese sandwich means no complications and no lost time. Now employ this in a workplace where the decrease could be much more impactful, a lack of efficiency could mean a talk from your boss, a pay cut or worse, getting fired.
Small things like a ring binder can help you combat the dip in productivity. These are all items that could be significant in increasing productivity in an office-based environment as long as you use them wisely. For example, in an office workplace, the files could be sorted alphabetically with a folder and mobile apps could help you keep tab on these files as well as others within your work space. Labelling a cupboard to a certain project with a sticky note could remind you what project is where and alleviate the sense of clutter.
It’s very important that you are productive in the workplace as it can lead to promotions, employee satisfaction and great reviews from customers. Organisation is one of the main factors in being efficient at work because you don’t have to focus on reorganising a mess and deplete your energy doing so while other more important tasks are left incomplete. Organise everything once, make little improvements each day and watch your productivity skyrocket.
Buy and utilise organisation tools like the ones mentioned above to help with the initial task of sorting every nook and cranny within your office, it will be beneficial in the long run. It’s also recommended that you make plans and schedules to follow so you’re not aimlessly doing tasks in the wrong order and defeating the purpose of your objective. This will also help you get your job done faster so that you have time for a break from a hectic business schedule.
Look at an organised office like a clear mind and a cluttered office as an exhausted mind, you obviously function better with the former than the latter. Organisation is pivotal in being efficient so start to sort now before your boss notices your slacking off and gives you the boot. You would rather be employed than jobless, especially if it’s due to a matter as simple as organisation.