“Religious, sexual harassment, and abuse have become an epidemic. Sadly, it’s not something new. It’s existed since the fall of Adam and Eve. Religion is not exempt. A sacred place meant to be safe and holy has become the breeding ground for violence and evil.”
- Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering: Growing Your Faith in the Dark
A 2017 survey conducted by Statista revealed that 42% of working women agreed to experience sexual harassment while 11% of men stated the same. Overall, 27% of Americans have accepted being harassed at their workplace at least once in their lifetime.
It would be surprising if nobody in your office ever discussed sexual harassment cases either on Slack secret conversation or during the lunch hour. The much-in-hype #metoo campaign boosted the number of cases accounted for sexual harassment at work or harassment in any other manner. By then, this topic has become the talk of the town for everyone.
The above stats are enough to tell us the ongoing stories of sexual harassment around us. All we need is to take the necessary steps to stop it right away. When it comes to discussing sexual harassment, people often find a hiding place. That’s common for people to feel embarrassed talking about the traumatic experience they have had. Rather than putting questions on yourself, it’s significant that you shout out about what you just suffered.
Here’s how to talk about it –
#1 – Know your final goal – The first step is to understand what you desire. Be it teaching a lesson to the culprit or taking practical actions on what you suffered, know your final decision. In this regard, you can consult a professional if required. Here, a professional would be a good choice giving you a better overview of such circumstances.
#2 – Feel OK with the uncomfortable feeling – It’s obvious to feel uncomfortable while talking about sexual harassment you just suffered. But to an extent, it’s OK to feel uncomfortable and still talk about it. This is what is going to help you develop better confidence. Make it a common and open subject to talk about frequently. Your practice is likely to bring some positive changes in everyone’s perspective towards such sensitive topics.
#3 – Make use of specialized services – It may interest you to know that there are many service providers like mi security company helping corporate sectors to report suspicious activities, including – sexual harassment, fraud, mental abuse, theft, and much more. Such types of services are suitable to take control of shrink within your organization. This is something to stay ahead of lawsuits and legal affairs. Moreover, it can be an ideal way of boosting your employees‘ confidence towards such disturbing incidents.
#4 – Take no pressure – Generally, it’s difficult for people to stay active and talk about sexual harassment cases, especially when sharing their own experiences. So, ensure you don’t suppress yourself and be open about it.
The bottom line is –
Sexual harassment can lead to different neurological disorders making it crucial for you to survive. Rather than putting yourself in a negative situation, it’s wise to talk about what you suffered and get justice.